Member of the Association of Photographers Eurasia / APE She was born in 1984 in Ukraine and as much as she remembers with the advent of a simple camera always loved to take photographs. After marriage, she moved to Germany and went to study photography during the pandemic in 2020. Her path began with mobile photography. Over time having bought the camera she completed several more photography courses. She always liked to practice herself and this has grown into a distinct art, self-portrait. She says: ‘Making self-portraits was a way to learn myself better, to accept my personality and over the time it has become something more than just a self-portrait, it has become an art.’ Her style is closely linked to the Renaissance and Dutch painting. Most of the work is nostalgic sometimes surreal. This nostalgic atmosphere gives her a certain amount of peace. She hopes this has the same effect on the person looking at her Portraits. She is now continuing to study art history and experimenting with styles. AWARDS & NOMINATIONS «Legacy Photo Awards» Category Senior Portrait: Third Place December 2022 Honorable Mention Gold December 2022 First Place February 2023 Excellence August 2023 Second Place February 2024 Second Place March 2024 Category Studio Child Portrait: Excellence March 2023 Second Place May 2023 Excellence December 2023 IPPAWARDS Honorable Mention 2023 Eurasia Honorable Mentions Awards Photos 2023 Legacy Photography Awards Top 10 of the International Photographer of the Year 2023 in the Senior Portrait category Professional Portrait 2nd Place Winner in The Best Photography Awards 2023-2024 One Eyeland Photography Awards 2023 Bronze reFocus Awards 2024 Black & White Photo Contest Silver in Fine Art section PISPA Photo Awards 2024  Honorable Mention in the category « Hybrid Process / Alternative » Exhibitions: 24-27 October and 2-3 November 2024 URBAN Exhibits Trieste Photo Days, Italy 15-17 September, 21-24 September International Photo Exhibition ELOQUENCE / Nouvelle Sensibilité Photo Exhibition, Japan Sapporo City 23-25 August BBA One Shot Award Summer Edition Exhibition, Germany Berlin 8 June -3 July 2024 \"Photographs as Paintings\" 24-25-26 May 2024 ImagiNation Paris Iconic Photo Show (Group exhibition) 27 February-28 March Female images in art, Moscow (Group exhibition) 22-23-24 September 2023  ImagiNation Milan Iconic Photo Show (Group exhibition) 5 June-4 July 2023 Fine Art Exhbition Moscow (Group exhibition) 19-20-21 May 2023 ImagiNation Paris Iconic Photo Show (Group exhibition) LensCulture Online Gallery: Art Photography Awards 2024 Critics\' Choice 2023 Summer open 2022


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